Friday, May 22, 2020

Historical Information About The Setting - 1316 Words

Historical information about the Setting: The major events in this book occurred in the last decade. After the Twin Towers fell on September 11, 2001, the lives of many Middle Easterners (Iraqians, Iranians, etc.) and South Asians (Afghans, Pakistanis, etc.) were changed. Many people, especially women, were brutally slaughtered for disobeying the Taliban, a terrorist group that worked closely with al Qaeda. Not only were the Taliban extreme religious fundamentalists, they were also strict with enforcement. The US and many other countries have tried to end these terrorist organizations, but they hurt a great deal of innocent people, which this book goes further in depth about. In these recent years, there has been great progression in basic rights for women, as well as men, which most likely could have never happened prior to this time. Plot summary: Malala starts by reminding readers how convenient life is in modern countries, and continues to describe the day she was shot, telling readers about everyone’s reactions and her memories of the day. She presents the question, â€Å"Who is Malala?† and proceeds to tell us her story, ending the prologue. Malala Yousafzai was born in the Swat Valley to Toor Pekai and Ziauddin Yousafzai. Malala had noticed gender inequality as a young child. Her father, Ziauddin grew up with an unfortunate stutter. Luckily, his passion about many political topics let him overcome his stutter, especially after memorizing and studying many of hisShow MoreRelatedHistorical Information About The Setting1226 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical information about the Setting: The events in the book occur in England around the start of the 19th century, otherwise known as pre- and early Victorian era. 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