Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Culture Shock Research Paper Topics

Culture Shock Research Paper TopicsOver the past few years, a new discipline of study has been emerging that looks at ways to measure cultural shock and its effects on the Western society. This type of research paper topics looks at what problems arise in the first few days of an immigrant's arrival in a foreign country. More specifically, it looks at what challenges come with the first five days of a new baby's arrival in a new country.Today, there are many cultures clash as a result of our non-conformity. We have many issues to deal with such as religion, race, and gender. However, one of the major problems with these cultures clash is the use of computers. These days, many Americans are not able to communicate with other cultures as well as their own because of lack of training, education, and technology.Currently, the country has not fully developed the computer literacy that most people now have. Most people cannot even understand the basics of using computers, so they do not kn ow how to properly use them. Therefore, they have to put up with anyone who might want to use them because of the lack of education and technology. Many colleges and universities can not even accommodate the growth of this type of population.One of the major issues that various cultures clash with each other is over religion. This can be any issue such as abortion, premarital sex, homosexuality, and divorce. The problem is that many of these people still believe in God and therefore they consider anything against that, immoral. Therefore, they still do not learn how to communicate with others.Another major culture shock research paper topics looks at the technological advances that have happened over the past few years. For example, we have gone from cassette tapes to CDs to MP3 players. Then we had Walkmans, iPods, cell phones, and now we have Blackberry's. Therefore, with all of these advancements, the people who are most affected by these innovations will be the very first genera tion of immigrants to the country. Not only do they have to deal with the language barriers, but the fact that the technologies will change so much over the next several years will be difficult for them to adjust to.Culture shock research paper topics also look at the advancement of medicine. It is common knowledge that in the past, doctors would recommend birth control, antibiotics, and pain killers. However, now we have a lot of different medicines available for us to choose from. However, many of these medicines come with some side effects that are a detriment to our health. Therefore, these people are left wondering what to do with all of these new medicines. Many of them will just resort to prescription pills in order to get the same effect.Today, culture shock research paper topics looks at how societies will interact in the future. Since so many advancements are occurring, we need to adapt to them as well. If we do not, it could become very difficult for our country to keep u p with the advancements that it needs to have in order to stay successful.

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