Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Freelance Writing Course is Re-Opening Today

The Freelance Writing Course is Re-Opening Today The Freelance Writing Course is Re-Opening Today The Freelance Writing Course is Re-Opening Today By Ali Hale Remember January? You probably made some new year’s resolutions. Maybe, like many writers, you wanted to finally make some money from your words. Back in January, we launched something new here on Daily Writing Tips: the Freelance Writing Course. A bunch of fantastic students spent six weeks in January and February learning all about freelance writing online and building their own freelancing businesses. The doors have been closed for four months, but we got such great feedback on the course that we’re opening them up again for 72 hours! Here is what one of the students said about the course: Thank you for the course! It was more than worth the price tag. I actually remember thinking: They could be charging so much more for this. Why? Because there are thousands of websites and books with advice about freelance writing, blogs, content mills or running a business but I havent found one with such comprehensive look at everything, with the action steps to take me from dabbling to professional! This really helped me see all of the avenues I have open and choose the ones that are going to give me the biggest pay off in money and experience right now. Thanks again! (Jessica Vaughan, United States) The course is a six-week program designed to teach you everything you need to know about making money freelance writing online. You’ll get written lessons every week (that you access on a special members’ site). They’ll cover: Week #1: Becoming more productive and effective – if you can write fast without sacrificing quality, you’ll massively increase your earnings. Week #2: Setting up your own freelancing website and building up your online writing credentials – essential if you want to be taken seriously. Week #3: Writing great content for the web – so you can provide editors with exactly what they want. Week #4: Finding great clients and high-paying jobs – so that you get paid well for your writing, instead of toiling away for peanuts. Week #5: Running your business effectively – because if you can’t communicate well with clients or if you miss deadlines, you’ll soon find yourself out of work. Week #6: Using social media to find jobs and promote yourself – the way you use social media can make or break your writing career. Three years ago my life changed forever when I left my day job to become a full-time freelance writer. Now, I get to do what I love all day long. This course teaches you exactly how I did it – so that you can do the same. And you won’t be alone. You’ll be taking the course as part of a whole group of writers (hundreds of them!). You’ll have a forum where you can get to know them – and where you can get advice and support directly from me, whenever you need it. So that everyone can go through the course together, though, we are keeping the doors open for 72 hours only, until midnight (GMT) this Friday, 6th May. If this is what you’ve been waiting for click here to read all the details and join us. We’d love you to be our next success story. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive At7 Patterns of Sentence Structure30 Nautical Expressions

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