Sunday, February 16, 2020

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

5 - Assignment Example Everyone has got a story to tell. The narrator talks gently about his present wife Laura whose affection he worships, and it is evident in the attention he gives to subtle gestures and touches between them. Terry`s story about her past lover who wanted to kill her out of jealousy serves as the reason of the arguments on the subject of love. While Terry insists that wanting to kill someone and dying for someone is still love her present husband Mal denies her point of view. However, he is also puzzled by the phenomenon of love when he wonders where all the love between him and his first wife gone. Now he wishes her to get married or to die. When people talk about love they talk about death as well because these two concepts are inseparable. That is why the story about an elderly couple touches everyone as Mal tells in agitation of a man who being injured very badly was depressed only because he could not see his wife. Probably, in this context the dreams about knights look very extrao rdinary. However, the quote that touched me and helped me to grasp the message of the story was about knights. When Mal expresses his desire to be a knight he understands how easy it was to die in those times though there were no cars and

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Responsibility of Public in Crime Control Strategies Essay

The Responsibility of Public in Crime Control Strategies - Essay Example It not only depends upon different institutional frameworks but also takes into consideration the geographical as well as linguistic considerations before it can actually be implemented in its entirety. It is, however, important to understand that the overall concept of crime control and prevention largely depends upon how State can actually play its part in defining the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders involved. During the 1970s and 1980s, it was strongly assessed that crime control and prevention may not be entirely under the control of State. Increasingly, government authorities believed that crime control is actually beyond the power of State. There were two important arguments which suggested this phenomenon i.e. the limited capacity of the criminal justice institutions in controlling the crime and there are crime control mechanisms which are outside the boundaries of the State. It was considered that by reforming the State institution as well as involving non-state mechanisms, government authorities can actually effectively devise new mechanisms to control and prevent crime. Crime prevention comprises of any acts taken by the public institutions or private individuals which are aimed at reducing the damage done by the acts which are defined as criminal acts by the State’s criminal laws. Public protection has become one of the key public issues and much legislation has been done in this regard to ensure that society can effectively deal with the criminal few and develop public protection to the point where society as a whole feel more safer.( Ashworth & Zedner,2012) The above definition therefore critically suggests the involvement of private individuals in crime prevention. The public and private partnership in order to prevent crime are considered as an essential tool in order to ensure that the society as a whole functions crime free. What is also, however, important to understand that crime prevention is a relatively fluid term and it has been suggested that it needs to be classed in order to effectively understand the term and its application.   Â